Rowan County is home to more than 60 unique, local restaurants, each bursting with their own original flavors. From one-of-a-kind restaurants like Rockwell Diner, 5414 Highway 152 East, to delicious pizzerias like Il Colosseo Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria, 716 Jake Alexander Blvd. W., and even fine dining, such as La Cava Restaurant, 329 S Church St. During COVID-19, the safety of our community is of utmost importance to us.


Grab a cold Cheerwine at one of your favorite, local restaurants!


To keep our many employees and customers safe, Governor Cooper announced a three-phased approach to slowly ease restrictions while combating COVID-19. These include:

  1. Social Distancing
    • Always stay at least 6 feet apart from other people.
    • Do not gather in groups.
    • Stay out of crowded places and avoid large gatherings.
  2. Wear a Face Mask
    • It is strongly recommended that all customers and employees wear a face mask when they may be near (less than 6 feet) other people.
  3. Cleaning and Hygiene
    • Wash hands with soap for 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol) after touching items, credit card pin pads, etc.
  4. Monitor Your Symptoms
    • Staff and customers should be encouraged to self-monitor for symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath.
    • If you have any of these symptoms, do NOT enter a retail business to limit the spread of COVID-19.
  5. Visit Businesses at Specific Hours
    • Some retail businesses designate specific times for persons at higher risk to shop without the general population. For example, early morning or late afternoon.


Get all your local produce for your next home cooked meal at the Salisbury Farmer’s Market at 228 E. Kerr Street.


Miss those date nights at your favorite, local restaurants? Several municipalities and community organizations have Facebook pages and websites that are updated regularly or semi-regularly with local business information in our area. Be sure to check them out below!

Get takeout or curbside pick-up from your favorite restaurant and have a picnic date at Morgan Ridge Vineyards at 486 John Morgan Road in Gold Hill.


It’s so important to support your local businesses and here’s why! Of every $1 spent at local businesses, 67 cents of it stays in the community. Be a part of the eat local movement and help keep our local restaurants alive! Check out Rowan County’s Leisure and Travel Blog to learn more.


The Salisbury Farmers Market is an amazing place to find produce and goodies from all around Rowan County!


LOCAL OUTDOORS TIP: Pick-up takeout from a local restaurant and enjoy it at one of our Rowan County or community parks. Learn more about our local parks here.

LOCAL SHOPS TIP: Need a new outfit for your daily stroll in one of our local parks? Check out all the Rowan County shops, like one of our downtown boutiques, when you click here.